In Darren Deojee's video entitled the "Toltec Parasite" he examine's the intelligence and behaviour of tiny mind controlling parasites. I have been aware of the effects of parasites on many levels for a long time, including energy vampires and emotional leaches who take and take and take draining energy from the innocent and generous giver who becomes too accustomed to this symbiosis.
Domestication: the adaptation of a plant or animal from a wild or natural state (as by selective breeding) to life in close association with humans.
i.e. the conscious genetic modification of something.
(@45 mins into the video)
Darren's question (and echo of the story of the parasite and the ant at the beginning of the talk) "as humans have we through becoming civilised put ourselves into a vulnerable position so we can be prayed upon?" is very poignant at this time and a question well worth asking ourselves.
Here, people are wondering why they are feeling a particular way (body aches, mind fuzz, unhealthy, confused) when their food is contaminated with toxins and parasites. The bread one could once easily digest has become full of poisons from fertilizers and genetically modified seeds. It's a minefield.
If we take care to detox regularly, take care of our souls, minds, spirit, then we can at least maintain enough O2 to navigate an intelligent course through the lower energies congregating on the Earth plane at this time.
This is also a metaphor of course.
Diatomaceous earth is a very useful and effective anti-dote along with goldenseal, wormwood and cloves. (See Hulda Clarke's recipe).
The question is, are we allowing spiritual, mental, emotional and physical parasites to control us? Who in your life is an energy vampire? Who sucks you dry?
It's a good question because sometimes, we don't even see it because we love the person who is doing it and maybe they are well meaning and just unconsciously using your energy?
We also have to ask, how can we stop this from occurring.
In my humble opinion, it's about strengthening our connection with God (source) and once that corner stone is in, everything else aligns to it naturally. You can't build on a cracked foundation.
Take a good look within. Scan internally and see what's going on. What do you see?
Failing that, take some action and rid yourself physically of parasites by taking diatomaceous earth or similar. Watch to see if your clarity returns. It's a good thing to do regularly as I am sure you all know.
Bentonite Clay
Epsom salts
(one tbl spoon of each)
Golden Seal
Diatomaceous earth - food grade
If one finds oneself in a vulnerable position, ask yourself how far away from the natural order of life have you become? When did you last walk in nature? Feel your feet on the earth? Star-gaze?
How much tech have you been swallowing?
Are you close to nature, to God, Source? Or enveloped in a sea of commerce and currency?
Stop for a moment.
Tune in.
Here's Darren's video: